Sunday, September 13, 2020

longest living Fishes on earth

 Blue whale – 110 years

With a tongue the weight of an elephant and a heart the weight of a car, the blue whale is the largest animal to ever live on Earth (that we know of). They can be up to 100 feet long and weigh over 200 tons. On average, they live about 80 to 90 years, but scientists believe they can live to 110 years old.

Fin whale – 114 years

Whales are some of the longest-lived animals on Earth, with many species able to reach their 90s. The fin whale, named after the little fin on its back, is estimated to have a lifespan of 114 years. This makes it the second longest-lived whale. It’s also the second-largest whale, so it’s quite the silver medalist.

Shortspine thornyhead and the tiger and rasphead rockfishes – 

115, 116, and 118 years

Like whales, rockfish are another group that has several very long-lived members. The shortspine thornyhead is a kind of rockfish that has an estimated lifespan of 115 years, while the rasphead and tiger rockfish can live to 118 and 116, respectively. Two other rockfish species rank even higher than these three.

Beluga sturgeon – 118 years

While beluga sturgeon can live long lives of about 118 years, they may not be living for much longer. These fish are critically endangered and have gone extinct in much of their Eastern European home. They’ve been overfished for their meat and caviar. Their spawning grounds have been destroyed by dams and they’re frequently caught accidentally, as bycatch.

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